Empty Boots

Fayetteville, North Carolina is a military town much like Perry and Warner Robins, rich in patriotism. Each year to commemorate Memorial Day, a vivid reminder of the high price of Freedom is organized. There at Fort Liberty, (formerly known as Fort Bragg) some 7,500 boots are lined up on empty field to represent every American life that has been lost in the global war on terror since the attacks of 9/11.

These empty boots sit as a solemn reminder of the high price of freedom and the costly sacrifice of so many. To memorialize these deaths, an American Flag and a picture of each life lost is placed on each of the boots. This field full of empty boots not only represent a life lost, but also the heartbreak and sorrow for their families left behind. We do both these heroes and their families a great disservice if we fail to honor their devotion and love for country … especially on Memorial Day.

On one of those boots, there is the picture of an American hero named Pat Tillman. If you are unfamiliar with him; after the cowardly attacks of 9/11, Tillman left behind the opulent life of a successful NFL player to join the US Army. Tillman turned down a 3.6 million-dollar contract with the Arizona Cardinals to fight for his country. He and his brother both enlisted at the same time, joined the Army Rangers, and were trained in Fort Benning, GA. After fighting in Operation Iraqi Freedom, he was redeployed to Afghanistan and in April 2004, Tillman was killed in action. He was 28 years old.

His story rightly made the headline news because of his willingness to leave behind a life of wealth and comfort to serve his nation. While his life is a great illustration of American patriotism and heroics, there have been countless others like him have left behind friends and family, answered their nation’s call, and paid the ultimate price for our freedom, who’s story did not make the nightly news. Yet we owe them all a great debt.

Our nation is rich with the history of men and women who had the courage and fortitude to stand against cruel oppression to ensure their loved ones could enjoy a life of freedom. The men and women that we honor on Memorial Day, are a great example of what Jesus meant, when he said in: John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

Sadly, for too many Americans, the Memorial Day holiday symbolizes little more than the unofficial start of Summer. Most schools are out and high school graduation ceremonies have concluded. Swimming pools open and droves of people flock to our nation’s beaches. Backyard grills will sizzle with the sound and smell of hamburgers and hotdogs. However, not nearly enough thought is given to the sacrifices that have made all this possible.

Friends, Memorial Day is about far more than BBQ’s and three-day weekends. It is a day to pay homage to the – more than ONE MILLION men and women in uniform – who have paid the ultimate price for freedom. Empty boots and empty homes ought make us thankful for our national heroes.

I believe this kind of selfless sacrifice is certainly worthy of recognition, but is also a shadow of what Jesus did by willingly laying down His life. Let me remind you, there is an empty cross and an empty tomb, where the King of Glory suffered and died for your freedom. He left behind the splendor of heaven and the worship of angels to come to this sin-cursed world. He came and fought evil and the rulers of darkness in order to secure freedom for the soul. To be clear, Jesus did not die for American or earthly freedom, but liberty from the bondage of sin.

Calling upon men to sacrifice for others wasn’t empty rhetoric for Jesus, anymore than it was for the men and women we honor on Memorial Day. Indeed, He suffered, and they suffered, because what Jesus said is true … greater love has no man than this, than to lay down his life for his friends.

So let me encourage this Memorial Day, to give honor to whom honor is due, and praise to whom praise is due. Take the time to pay homage to those who have served and died for our freedom so we can live the lives we love. But also, give proper praise to Christ Jesus who died so that we might live forever!

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