National Day of Prayer

“How many of you remember the Andy Griffith show?” I asked this question yesterday, to a group of seniors at one of local nursing homes. Many of them smiled and nodded their heads or said, “I do.” Then I asked them, “how much has our world changed since then?” You should have seen the looks on their faces when I asked that! Those who are familiar with that iconic TV program, readily recognize how much our modern culture has changed in such a short period of time. The sad truth is, it has only been some 60 years since this show ran on TV and was a fair representation of American life and values. Anyone with any age on them at all, can instantly tell you how drastically our society has shifted since their youth. I can’t speak for everyone, but I miss the simplicity and honesty of those Mayberry days.

Some may argue, our culture has changed for the good, and in some ways, that is certainly true. We are all thankful for the technological and medical advances over the last decades. We Americans are grateful for a higher level of leisure and comfortability than the generations before us enjoyed. (Even though I often wonder how beneficial that truly is?) But yes, there have been numerous improvements which have benefited our quality of life.

On the other hand, morally and spiritually – our nation has done anything but progress in a positive direction. I realize, not everyone reading this will agree with my assessment, but I speak unapologetically from a Biblically-based Christian worldview. Don’t get me wrong, I love our country, but we need to be honest about how we nationally stand before God. Regardless of the sentimentality some folks have, we are not now a Christian nation. Again, you may disagree with that, or you may think me too narrow, but friend – look around at modern America.

Our society condones what God condemns. Our culture promotes what the Almighty prohibits. Words and facts are considered pliable and have no definite meaning. Our kids are under constant attack by devilish ideologies and philosophies. We live in an unthinkable time when drag queens are invited to public libraries to indoctrinate children to their wicked lifestyle, and parents permit it. Someone’s gender is no longer a biological reality, but thought to be fluid and indiscriminate. Animals have been humanized and humans have been animalized. The unborn are unsafe and the elderly are unwanted. Today, it seems that morality and virtue are ancient relics of a thankfully-forgotten past, as the shackles of civility and decency have been thrown down and godless behavior has become the norm.

Andy and Aunt Bee would be shocked to see what life is like in modern America! And so too should we! At least those of us who hold to Biblical values. No, I am not trying to drag us back to the 1960’s, but anyone with an ounce of morality ought to admit our nation is in a mess! In fact, our entire country needs repentance! If we truly want God’s blessing, we must turn from our wicked ways and call upon Christ to govern our lives and our homes.

Folks, God has been so gracious to this nation. I think it could be rightly argued, that God has blessed these United States of America more than most nations and far, far more we deserve. Yet, we have turned our backs on the One True and Living God. Even though He has been so merciful to us, countrywide we have given ourselves to idols of every form. Friends, if we truly desire for God to bless America, Americans must desire God. First and foremost.

If you agree that this nation desperately needs a work of God to stem the wave of depravity that is flooding over our country, I invite you to join us in public prayer. Thursday, May 02 is the annual National Day of Prayer. On this day, concerned Christians and concerned citizens will assemble at the Old Courthouse lawn in downtown Perry at 11:00AM for a season of community prayer. Intercession will be made for numerous entities and organizations, such as; city/state/federal officials, our military and first responders, our families and schools, and for revival among our churches and church leaders. Much more will be said in this brief service, but we yearn for God to hear our prayers and continue to be merciful to this nation that does not deserve His mercy.

I don’t expect small-town Perry to be like the fictitious Mayberry, but I do want to see God bring revival to our little town. We need it! I need it! Thankfully, God’s Word says, “The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much” (James 5:16). So, join us in praying for Christ to be rightly honored and adored by all people – for He alone is worthy! And God alone is the cure for what ails America.

11:00 AM, Thursday May 02 – Downtown Courthouse in Perry

One thought on “National Day of Prayer

  1. I agree with you my brother. The degradation of nations, globally, that have once embraced and held to biblical values seems to be the order of the day. We yearn for the return of society to the truths of God.

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