Supporting Causes in this Community

Our community is blessed to have numerous ministries that do their level best to offer help to the hurting in our area. I am hesitant to name some of these organizations, for fear of leaving out others who also do good work, but allow me to name a few. First, Perry Volunteer Outreach offers aid to Perry and South Houston County residents in need of emergency financial assistance for housing, utilities, or medical needs. I simply cannot express enough how fortunate this community was to have Frank Shelton (the gentle and generous man who started PVO) as a long-time resident of Perry. His legacy of kindness has enabled this faithful ministry to help hundreds of the aged and infirmed in town.

Let me also mention the godly folks from “Thee Lord’s Table.” This is a faith-based ministry hosted by volunteers from Christ Lutheran Church. Each Friday they offer a warm meal to anyone and everyone in need. Please contact Pastor John Lehenbauer for details.

Loaves and Fishes is a local interfaith food bank offering free food to the hungry. Re-new is an area used thrift store and service providing low-cost goods and clothing. These and several other ministries can and should be applauded for their tireless labors for Christ and this community. Each of these strive to assist others by serving as the hands and feet of Jesus to the less-fortunate. I encourage you to pray and, if possible, financially support any (or all) of these ministries.

Yet, if you will allow, I would also ask for the prayers and support for a ministry that I also hold in high regard. It has been my great privilege the last several years to work alongside pastors from our community through the Perry Ministerial Association. The PMA is a group of local church leaders who meet monthly to pray, discuss and determine how best to serve our community and those traveling through the area.

Rarely a day goes by that someone is not knocking at the doors of our churches asking for assistance. Often it is difficult to know what to do when we as individuals, ministries, or churches, are approached by someone asking for some kind of assistance. None of us like to be taken advantage of, and we often wonder if we are truly helping someone long-term by giving them a handout. So what should we do? Especially those who strive to follow Christ, we want to give generously as we ought to those in need. Yet, we wonder how to help? In these situations, I am often reminded of something my father said; “Come judgment day, I’d rather be guilty of doing too much, than too little.” I think that is sage counsel indeed.

Thankfully, the PMA provides a structured system to provide relief for stranded travelers, whatever their situation. In cooperation with local law enforcement, the PMA provides hot meals, shelter and help with fuel expense for those in need. To do so, we work directly with the Perry Police Department by providing food, gas, and hotel vouchers.

If you (or your church) is approached by someone from out of town, who is asking for your financial assistance, you can direct them to the Perry Police Department. There, the PPD requires those asking for assistance to fill out a simple form, so that they have a written record of requests.

In addition to the voucher program, the PMA has recently been able to purchase shoes and eye-glasses for children in need at Morningside and Tucker Elementary School. Under the leadership of PMA President, Pastor Tim McLauchlin from the Assembly of Perry, the PMA has also been able to provide socks, t-shirts, and other goods for inmates at Houston County Detention Center.

However, the only way the PMA or any of these other ministries can carry out their needed work, is through the generous charitable donations of residents, businesses, and churches. Would you consider personally supporting these good causes, or encouraging your business or church to do so?

Without any argument, everything has gotten way more expensive, so money may be tight. Yet, if it is financially viable, please consider donating to one of these fine ministries and support worthy causes in this community. If you cannot give, but you are a Christian, you can pray … and prayer is just as needed.

Should you choose to support the PMA please send a check to:

Perry Ministerial Association
PO Box 1426
Perry, GA 31069

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